The diversity of the participants

UEEH (Homosexualities Summer Euromediterannean Universities) is an event which promotes knowledges exchanges, sharing and transmissions in a self managed space of life. It’s dedicated to LGBTQI community (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgenders, Queer and Intesex people). Its major aim is to make popular education available for these communities.

The UEEH also intend to create a privileged space to confront one’s ideas, to develop it, by facilitating meetings and thus allowing the creation of national and international networks. Participants include members of associations or collectives, students, activists, academics, researchers, writers, artists, or musicians, but there is no need to be specialized in an area to come. Everyone can bring something with their presence, their desire to discuss, share and participate to the collective project.

One of the strengths of the UEEH, which gives them by the way a very special place among the LGBTQI, institutional and alternative events, lies in the diversity of its participants, coming from different backgrounds and political cultures, with different lifestyles, but who have in common the will to look beyond what they are living during the year and that they see themselves as minoritized because of their sexual orientation and / or gender identity.

The international dimension of the UEEH

Actions and thoughts on how to fight for our rights are beyond national borders. The main focus of the UEEH is about sharing and discussing our strategies, our representations and confronting our practices.

Since 1999, the UEEH try to develop and strengthen international partnerships. Various contacts are made every year with activist groups and associations around Europe and in the rest of the world in order to encourage the exchange of know-hows and theories as well as ways of fighting against discrimination. A sub-committee within the organizing team is in charge of international relations and a part of the budget is specifically dedicated to travel expenses and visa requests for international participants.

The international framework of the UEEH enables the implementation of workshops, movie festivals, debates and the opening or strengthening of social networks, interactions, etc.

A multilingual event

A wide variety of languages are spoken at the UEEH, even though the most common language remains French. According to our translating energies, panels are usually written in four languages (French, English, Arabic and Spanish), as well as several documents and information medias (newsletter, charte, vade-mecum, website, registration form, etc.).

There’s a particular focus on live translation during the main formal events such as the General Assemblies, the International Forum and all the workshops. Any participant with translating skills is more than welcome to help making the UEEH accessible to as many individuals as possible.

Direct translation is generally the easiest way of getting people together at debates and general assemblies. At the Conference Day, Interpretation facilities are generally available.

Our partner collective, BLA comes during the edition in order to bring technical support for interpreting, working together with the commission Jeux de Langues.

According to the size of the event and the needs about translation, different options can be chosen (whispered translation, spiders, radios, …)