Eating & sleeping


All meals will be provided at the school ( breakfast, lunch and dinner) thanks to the great professional kitchen made available to us by the school.

The KFC (kitchen fabulous crew) coordinates the kitchen and prepares the meals with the indispensable help of the participants, who are also more than welcome to suggest menus, take charge of organising a meal, etc. You can contact the kitchen crew at

The collective diet that will be proposed is essentially vegan, with the possibility of alternatives depending on intolerances and allergies. For menu suggestions that don’t fit in with this diet, it’s perfectly possible to cook differently, but we’ll work things out together during the event.



The agricultural highschool has the capacity to accommodate around 200 people in dormitories. Almost all the rooms are shared (2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 beds); there are very few single rooms, which are prioritised for people with specific needs.

For those in need of more privacy, it is possible to create spaces in the classrooms, such as ZITs (temporary privacy zones) or non-verbal / no interaction zones etc. We are aware that this is far from ideal, but it is the compromise that has been found.

The rooms cannot be locked. There is no lock inside, so it is not possible to lock yourself in. Don’t forget to bring a padlock to keep your things safe if you want to.

During the event, it is possible to decide who will be in each room so that you can either share a room depending on who you want to be with (with your friends, or establish trans-only, POC-only, women-only etc. dormitories) and/or depending on the atmosphere you seek (e.g. a quiet room or a party room)

While the organisational team will do its best to meet with everyone’s basic needs, we’re also counting on each person to know how to adapt to the space we have: the spirit of the UEEH is also to invent or reinvent a way of living in a community based on sharing resources and paying attention to others and to oneself.

If you book a room, please note that the high school only provides about fifty sheets. As for blankets and cushions, we don’t have anything on site. If you can bring some back for yourself and/or others, that’s great!

Bring your own van or tent

You can park in the car parks at the entrance to the site. If you are sleeping in your car, you can park within the school (around 15 spaces).

This year, for those who wish, it will be possible to pitch around fifteen tents on the school ground next to the vans / cars.

Don’t hesitate to bring something to create comfortable, shaded areas, as there is very little shade.


Some rooms have their own shower and toilet facilities.

The rest are collective blocks: two blocks of ten showers and two toilet blocks per floor. The showers and toilets have doors that can be closed, to protect everyone’s privacy.